AIRM Sign In & Confidentiality Agreement AIRM Training with Lorrie Brubacher: Sign In & Confidentiality Agreement Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name and Email: *I agree to attend the training module in its entirely (12 hours) and to keep my camera on at all times so my participation can be monitored unless otherwise discussed with the trainer or facilitator. *YesNoConfidentiality Agreement: I agree to keep confidential the personal identity information of case material shared in this workshop by the trainer and participants. I agree not to record any part of this training in any format (audio, video). Personal written notes of non-confidential material are permitted. *YesNoI agree to join this online training from a secure spot in my home or office. I will make sure I am the only one able to see my screen to keep the training material confidential. *YesNoI am aware that this training, apart from the break-out room activities, is being recorded and may be used in its entirety or in part for future training. *YesNoSubmit