Case Presentation with Dr Clare Rosoman

Case Presentation with Dr Clare Rosoman 2 - Melbourne EFT

Event Date:

July 18, 2020

Event Time:

10:30 am

Event Location:

MCEFT Zoom Room

Case Presentation with Dr Clare Rosoman 3 - Melbourne EFT

Watch Clare Rosoman’s expert handling of a successful Pursuer Softening session with a double-trauma couple. Clare describes the process to the couple at the outset: “We’re right in the guts of the deepest work … this is one of the hardest things we can do as humans! Everyone gets scared here. It’s scary for you [withdrawer] to put everything on the line and say ‘Come on, jump! I’ll catch you! And it’s scary when you [pursuer] are having to jump but there’s a big part of you saying to yourself, ‘Don’t jump, he won’t catch you!’ And then that’s hard for you [withdrawer] to hear, without disappearing into shame!” 
We will all cheer together as we watch the Pursuer bravely jump, and the Withdrawer safely catch her – supported by Dr Clare’s characteristic warmth, expressive language, and effortless command of EFT.


ACEFT Morningside

B Psych (Hons) D Psych (Clinical) MAPS FCCLP

Clinical Psychologist & Founding Co-Director of ACEFT

Certified EFT Couples Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer-in-training with the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally-Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)- Ottawa Canada

Clare is a clinical psychologist with 20 years experience in assisting people to overcome struggles and live more fully. While experienced with anxiety, depression, trauma, issues of adolescence and parenting concerns, her passion is relationships and families. She is the author of two books for therapists; Therapy to Go: Gourmet Fast Food Handouts for working with Adult Clients and Therapy to Go: Gourmet Fast Food Handouts for working with Child and Family Clients. Clare discovered EFT in 2008 and ever since has been dedicated to learning and embracing the model, eagerly undertaking training, reading, and engaging in self exploration. She became a certified EFT therapist and then an EFT supervisor, assisting in the growth of countless EFT therapists since 2012. In 2019, Clare was accepted as an EFT Trainer-in-training and is being mentored by Dr Kathryn Rheem, Dr Veronica Kallos-Lilly and Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald in her journey to becoming an EFT Trainer. Clare, in addition to conducting workshops for therapists on the EFT process and pornography, has spoken together with Jenny both nationally and internationally (New York, Rome and Athens) about EFT for couples, infidelity, pornography and sexual dysfunction. Clare provides group and individual EFT supervision for therapists in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

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  • MCEFT Zoom Room
  • Australia

Event Schedule Details

  • July 18, 2020 10:30 am   -   12:30 pm
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