Case Presentation with Dr Kathleen Kjelsaas

Case Presentation with Dr Kathleen Kjelsaas 2 - Melbourne EFT

Event Date:

November 28, 2020

Event Time:

10:30 am

Event Location:

MCEFT Zoom Room

Case Presentation with Dr Kathleen Kjelsaas 3 - Melbourne EFT


ACEFT Morningside

D Psych (Clinical) B. Psy. Sc (Hons I), B. A., B. Ed. MAPS

Clinical Psychologist

Certified EFT Couples Therapist with the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally-Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)- Ottawa Canada

Katie is passionate about helping her clients achieve meaningful connections, whether with new ideas, parts of themselves or the people that matter to them.

As an endorsed clinical psychologist trained at the University of Queensland, Katie enjoys working with couples, families and individuals. She is committed to the use of evidence-based treatments within a positive, collaborative framework. Katie works with her clients to understand their fundamental needs and develop appropriate action to see these needs met. Therapy is shaped by clients’ goals and Katie is dedicated in supporting her clients to achieve these.

Katie is an ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist for couples. She also has training and experience in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for individuals.

Katie has completed a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland. She is a recipient of the University Medal, APS Prize, McBride Psychology Prize and Tian P.S. Oei Clinical Research Prize for her academic and research work. Her published research has examined gender stereotypes, social skills, occupational burnout and the impact of online social networking on mental health. Her clinical interests include supporting relationship adjustment during transition points (e.g., marriage, parenthood, career change, retirement); dynamics of sexual desire; self-efficacy, self-actualisation and post-traumatic growth.


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  • MCEFT Zoom Room
  • Australia

Event Schedule Details

  • November 28, 2020 10:30 am   -   12:30 pm
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