What is EFT?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), is an evidence based approach developed by Dr. Sue Johnson in the early 1980s. Dr Sue Johnson formed a comprehensive view of adult attachment and its role in romantic relationships through 30 years of experience working with couples, alongside a significant body of scientific research. EFT provides a clear understanding of the bonds of love and how these bonds can be reshaped to create more satisfying, loving relationships.

For individuals, romantic relationships and families looking to strengthen their relationships, EFT offers a unique way of focusing on each individual’s emotional experience. This approach also works with what happens between you and your partner(s) in your day-to-day interactions.

EFT therapists are supported by extensive research showing that couples undertaking a course of EFT report substantial improvement and 70 to 75% of couples recover from their distress. Clinicians rely on in-depth training and clinical experience to help you identify the negative themes that play out in your relationship, and how they can be changed to achieve more satisfying outcomes.

What is MCEFT?

The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) is an international community to develop and support therapists in Emotionally Focused Therapy. The Melbourne Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy (MCEFT) has been established according to the requirements of ICEEFT and consists of our Co-ordinator, Linda Murrow and our Organising Group. We are an incorporated body under the Associations Act and hold meetings chaired by our President. MCEFT is made up of relationship counsellors volunteering time to provide therapists with the latest training and development opportunities in EFT. 

If you’re interested in joining our Organising Group, and being a part of supporting our events, pitching in on training and growing our community, we’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact us.

Established in April 2018 we are proud of the supportive, collegial community that continues to evolve. We have offered events that range from mutli-day workshops with international trainers to half-day webinars, networking events and peer case presentations. There is also an established Peer Group network that offers MCEFT members collegial connection and support to enhance skills. These are inclusive of all levels of experience.

We also offer an established Therapist Directory for members to promote their practice and to people access EFT trained therapists.

MCEFT Organising Group

About EFT 1 - Melbourne EFT

Linda Murrow

President & Coordinator
Linda Murrow, M.A. is a Certified EFT Therapist & Supervisor and maintains a thriving practice working with a diverse range of individuals, relationships and families for more than 30 years. This is the heart of her work. Linda has extensive experience supervising individuals & groups alongside teaching and training in a range of counselling organisations and university programs - introducing EFT into the curriculum for Relationships Australia & Swinburne University and establishing their partnership for a couple & relationship counselling Master’s where she taught EFT. For many years Linda facilitated Sue Johnson’s 'Hold Me Tight' workshop for couples & relationships in Australia and also in Boston and Fiji. As the founder of MCEFT, Linda has served as ICEEFT Community Leader and has been dedicated to coordinating professional development and training events for EFT therapists. Linda is honoured to serve as MCEFT’s President and looks forward to connecting and working together.
About EFT 2 - Melbourne EFT

Dr Kieran O'Loughlin

Vice President
Dr Kieran O’Loughlin is a certified EFT Therapist (relationships and individuals). Before becoming a therapist in 2010 Kieran worked for 30 years as a teacher, teacher educator and applied linguist with students and teacher trainees from diverse cultural backgrounds who were learning or teaching English as an Additional Language As an EFT therapist he has brought with him a very strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion not only in terms of clients’ cultural identities but also their sexual and gender identities. He specialises in working with clients from these minoritised communities. Kieran is a clinical member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and holds additional accreditation as a clinical supervisor and mental health practitioner with that peak body. He has provided individual and group supervision to a range of therapists over the last ten years. He has recently commenced his EFCT and EFIT supervisor training.
About EFT 3 - Melbourne EFT

Dr Karen Johnson

Karen is a Counselling Psychologist with a deep interest in, and a passion for EFT. Her own doctoral research was in this area which provided the springboard for her to seek further training and certification as an EFT Therapist and Supervisor. Karen works in a busy private practice in Richmond and specialises exclusively in relationship issues. She sees couples and individuals and works with a diversity of relationship dynamics. Karen is currently the Secretary of MCEFT which is a great way to showcase her organisation and administrative skills, and also allows her to be at the heart of this amazing growing EFT community in Melbourne. Karen is grateful to be a part of the exciting events and learning opportunities that MCEFT plans for the coming year, and to also be a part of this supportive, collaborative and collegial network of EFT therapists.
About EFT 4 - Melbourne EFT

Duncan Woodcock

Originally from London, Duncan has a Master of Counselling and a Master of Business in Leadership and Organisation Dynamics, is a registered clinical member of PACFA and a member of ICEEFT. Duncan sees a diverse range of clients including adolescents, adults & couples/relationships, has worked as a counsellor with the CFMEU and the Victorian Aids Council (now Thorne Harbour) and is known for his inclusive, non-judgemental approach with people from varied backgrounds. Drawing on his professional background in theatre, education and counselling, Duncan has a lifelong interest in working experientially with people to invite curiosity and promote growth. Having worked as Director and Administrator of an adult education & training school for 20 years, he is happy to bring his skills to the role of Treasurer.
About EFT 5 - Melbourne EFT

Kim Storey

Committee Member
Kim is an experienced couples therapist located in the Bayside area of Melbourne; Brighton and Sandringham. She is a Masters degree-qualified counsellor, with over ten years experience working with individuals, couples and families.
About EFT 6 - Melbourne EFT

Annie Poloni

Marketing and Administrative Officer
About EFT 7 - Melbourne EFT

Libby Aitken

Committee Member
Libby is a Doctor and Family Therapist and has worked in a private practice in Melbourne for over twenty years, following on from her beginning in community and hospital-based medicine. Libby has a Master of Family and Systemic Therapy and enjoys teaching and supervising as part of her practice. Libby has written four books for families, The 'Let's Talk About' series, including one about emotions. She has embraced EFT and the depth it has added to her work with individuals, couples and families. Libby practices at Alma Family Therapy in Caulfield, Hurstwood Clinic in South Yarra and teaches in the Master of Family Therapy at ACU.
About EFT 8 - Melbourne EFT

Jessica Lagerwey

Committee Member
Based in Watsonia, Jess is a dedicated individual and relationship therapist with over 20 years of experience. Specializing in trauma, Jess brings a relaxed, relatable, and respectful approach to therapy. She is passionate about helping couples identify negative patterns in their relationships and navigate the cycles of rupture and repair. Jess works with a diverse clientele, including children, teens, adults, couples, and families, addressing a range of complex issues.
About EFT 9 - Melbourne EFT

Ray Dalton

Committee Member
Ray has worked in mental health services for more than 15 years and came to psychology after working in the building trade for 12 years. His work spans couples and individual therapy, working in the prison system, not for profit and private practice. He has worked with individuals with PTSD for the majority of his career. Ray feels the best way to help people is to build a solid working relationship and create a safe and secure environment. He loves the outdoors! If he's not at work or with family then Ray can be found surfing, camping or fly fishing somewhere deep in the Victorian High Country.
About EFT 10 - Melbourne EFT

Zoltan Rajki

Committee Member
Zoltan is a couples counsellor based in Fitzroy North, offering tailored relationship counselling services. Utilising EFT, Zoltan feels a true purpose when seeing his clients gain new freedom to love and be loved. His participation on the MCEFT Committee is centred on the belief that EFT helps create strong, connected relationships. Zoltan is focused on the value MCEFT delivers to the community, with an emphasis on consultative decision-making as the best way to achieve this.

Volunteer Reserves

Jo Gniel

June Brown

Margie Ulbrick

Andrea Nolan

Interested in joining our Organising Group?