What is EFT?
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), is an evidence based approach developed by Dr. Sue Johnson in the early 1980s. Dr Sue Johnson formed a comprehensive view of adult attachment and its role in romantic relationships through 30 years of experience working with couples, alongside a significant body of scientific research. EFT provides a clear understanding of the bonds of love and how these bonds can be reshaped to create more satisfying, loving relationships.
For individuals, romantic relationships and families looking to strengthen their relationships, EFT offers a unique way of focusing on each individual’s emotional experience. This approach also works with what happens between you and your partner(s) in your day-to-day interactions.
EFT therapists are supported by extensive research showing that couples undertaking a course of EFT report substantial improvement and 70 to 75% of couples recover from their distress. Clinicians rely on in-depth training and clinical experience to help you identify the negative themes that play out in your relationship, and how they can be changed to achieve more satisfying outcomes.
What is MCEFT?
The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) is an international community to develop and support therapists in Emotionally Focused Therapy. The Melbourne Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy (MCEFT) has been established according to the requirements of ICEEFT and consists of our Co-ordinator, Linda Murrow and our Organising Group. We are an incorporated body under the Associations Act and hold meetings chaired by our President. MCEFT is made up of relationship counsellors volunteering time to provide therapists with the latest training and development opportunities in EFT.
If you’re interested in joining our Organising Group, and being a part of supporting our events, pitching in on training and growing our community, we’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact us.
Established in April 2018 we are proud of the supportive, collegial community that continues to evolve. We have offered events that range from mutli-day workshops with international trainers to half-day webinars, networking events and peer case presentations. There is also an established Peer Group network that offers MCEFT members collegial connection and support to enhance skills. These are inclusive of all levels of experience.
We also offer an established Therapist Directory for members to promote their practice and to people access EFT trained therapists.
MCEFT Organising Group

Linda Murrow

Dr Kieran O'Loughlin

Dr Karen Johnson

Duncan Woodcock

Kim Storey

Annie Poloni

Libby Aitken

Jessica Lagerwey

Ray Dalton